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Dreamscape / Active Imagination / Visual-Spatial thinking / Cognitive & Creative Process / Physicalization / Cosmograms / Labyrinth & Maze / Mundus Imaginalis / Art of Diagram / Mental & Conceptual Maps / Cartographies of Gesture / Nooshpere / Divination & Synchronicity / Symbolic Language / Correspondence & Analogy / Pathosformeln / Nonverbal Storytelling / Geography of Imagination / Dance with the System / Memory Theatre / Amplification Method / Mindscape / Philosophy of Sign / Rhizome / Epistemology of Complexity / Serendipity / Trachtig / Fictional Narratives / Geosophy / Architecture of Vision / Art as Research / Epistemology of Complexity / Serendipity / Co-learning / Planomenon / Mantic Practices / ExTempore / Cynefin Method / Knots Grammar / Psychogeography / Coreography of Thought / Visual Knowledge / Guided Imagery / Semantic of Trace / Cultural Ecology  / Stratification & Composition / The Art of Waving / Inner Atlas / Teomama / Tridimensional Reasoning / Schemata / Movement  Visualization / Aesthetics of the Archive / Orientation / Cognitive Figures / Foundation Rituals / Ephemeral Networks

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